Wednesday, 24 November 2010


The last week I have had 6 commissions to be made in time for Christmas, so that means I am verrrrry busy as I have Uni work to do too; at least Im not bored though aye? ;)
Here's one Ive already made amd posted this morining:

Toby Mark 2 2010

Plus I had a presentation this morning, which went well, I couldn't have done any better so Im happy with how it went. Just gotta wait for feedback in Decemeber :)

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Quick Update

Right, first off I havent been sitting on my arse doing nout :) (Y)

Uni work, half way point and end of a 6 week project.
Here's a surface pattern I created

Aged Gorilla 2010

I have also had a few more commissions to make, here's one Ive already made, just got 4 or more to make ready for Christmas :)

Antique Peacock 2010